Analysis of Influence of Low Frequency Factor to Adjacent Channel Power Leakage of Power Amplifier Used for W-CDMA Handset W-CDMA手机用功放的临道泄漏的低频因素分析
The result showed that, 1. with the method of low frequency electropulse, the skin potential on the low skin impedance points along pericardium channel was higher than that of control points on both sides of the channel ( P < 0.001). 结果表明:①以低频电脉冲检测出的心包经线上的低阻点的皮肤电位较两侧旁开的非低阻对照点为高(P<0.001);
Experimental results show that low frequency pulse compression and channel match method can be used in shallow water sound channel to improve the SNR. 实验表明,脉冲压缩可有效增加浅海低频声脉冲的传输距离,信道匹配可用于消除多途对脉冲信号检测信噪比的影响。
This work presents a low complexity frame detector to rapidly and reliably detect frame signal of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM) wireless LAN ( WLAN) system over multipath channel with large carrier frequency offset ( CFO). 为了能够在大载波频偏、多径信道下快速可靠地捕获频分复用(OFDM)无线局域网(WLAN)系统帧信号,提出了一种低复杂性帧检测器。
The barriers in the target in the study area are low in distribution frequency, but are large in distribution scale, and have originated from natural levee, crevasse splay, alluvial flat and abandoned channel. 研究区目的层的隔层分布频率比较低,但分布范围大,为天然堤、决口扇、河漫滩以及废弃河道成因。
Firstly this paper detailed discusses the statistical feature of the low voltage power line channel, analyzes frequency select fading and inter symbol interference caused by the multi-path transmission and gives a channel simulation mode of low voltage power line. 首先详细分析了低压电力线信道的统计特性,对由于多径传输产生的时延扩展、频率选择性衰落和由此产生的码间干扰进行了详细的讨论,在此基础上提出了电力线信道的计算机仿真模型。
The results show that the effect of high frequency pump noise is greater than the low frequency ones, moreover, the consumption and fluctuation of pump powers will make the performance of the system with larger channel spacing degrade further. 研究结果表明,相对于低频泵浦噪声,高频泵浦噪声对系统性能的影响更大一些,并且泵浦的损耗和波动可以使信道间隔大的系统性能进一步恶化。
Internal defect distribution in high-k dielectric can be obtained by low frequency noise based on carriers exchange mechanism between internal defect and channel carriers. 基于沟道和介质内部缺陷载流子交换机制的低频噪声方法可以用于介质内部分布缺陷的表征。